Friday 20 March 2015

Wedding Bands: Engagement Ring Up-Stagers

The wedding bands you exchange on your magical wedding day are going to be one the most important rings you ever wear. With the exception of your engagement ring, these new rings will be the most valuable assets you could ever own.

The week leading up to your wedding is going to be a crazy time on your life! There will be so many last minute details to see to and also numerous people trying to contact you about arrangements and questions. Your best bet is to have a friend field all of these questions for you so you can have a less stressful experience and actually enjoy the day you exchange wedding bands with the love of your life. 

One of the most important things to remember is to get your engagement ring cleaned and polished the day before the wedding. Your new diamond wedding rings will be perfect and shiny so you better make sure your engagement ring can hang with the big boys! Although your wedding bands will be the center of attention on your wedding day, it does not mean your engagement ring should suffer or look terrible next to the other! Off to the jewelry store you go.

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